My dad always says, "The Lord will not push us beyond what we are able to handle. He may push us to the edge, but he will not push us beyond." I've been thinking about this a lot lately and feel a little like I'm about to fall over that edge. I'm going to be super vague and probably all over the place, but maybe that is so you can relate to what I'm saying and be able to feel uplifted by my ramblings, or maybe it will just help me with my struggles.
I was reading my scriptures this morning and came across a saying by Pres. Faust. "In the agonies of life, we seem to listen better to the faint, godly whisperings of the Divine Shepherd." Unfortunately, that is so true for me. I know when my life is going great and there seems to be no problems or needs, my prayers get more repetitious and my faith just floats stagnant. I walk through life doing the things I always do and I'm okay.
However, disappointment comes knocking sometimes, whether it is self-inflicted disappointment or disappointment caused through other's agency, but it does come. I have struggled with different things in my life: death, self worth, finances and infertility, but I know that I am blessed. This too shall pass .... isn't that the saying? It always passes and we are always stronger. Our prayers get more sincere, our faith is strengthened, even when we want to give up and say "I'm done, no more."
I remember at times in my life when I thought I couldn't take it anymore, especially with our adoption situation, that I would just get on my knees and plead with Heavenly Father to help me and my husband get through it. Sometimes life is hard and sometimes you just want to cry. For me, sometimes I just can't cry and I stuff all the emotion into this little bottle in my stomach that one of these days will explode. Regardless of my struggles and my choices, I've always kept to my faith. I might not have been the stellar exemplar of Mormonism, but I always had my testimony.
My heart has recently suffered knowing that people give up. Life tests you and sends trials your way and people give up. People stop trying and people lose their faith. It breaks my heart because what we have to lose is such a high price to pay. People you thought could withstand trial and tragedy, choose other paths. I know there is free agency, but it still makes me so sad. Friends are divorcing, family is struggling, people are walking away from the church and it just stinks. I think, "Could I have done something to be a better friend, to encourage more, to show my love to them that would have helped divert their choice?" I don't know. What makes people make the choices that they make? What makes people choose to walk away? Why are we given the trials that we have been given? I do not have the answers. I know that we've been promised that ..."he that is faithful in tribulation, the reward of the same is greater in the kingdom of heaven." Life is a struggle right now and it would be easy to give up. All in one week the pump on the well goes out, the washer is leaking and the checkbook ... well, it's leaking too because it seems like there's hardly anything in it ;) But, you figure it out. You make it work. People are thrown curve balls in life and you deal with it: injury, death, job loss, financial hardship and a lot of other hard things. Life is hard. Who better to be our example of enduring tribulation? The Savior. Elder Marion Romney said: "All who are being tried in the crucible of adversity and affliction: Take courage; revive your spirits and strengthen your faith. In these lessons so impressively taught in precept and example by our great exemplar, Jesus Christ, and his Prophet of the restoration, Joseph Smith, we have ample inspiration for comfort and hope." We can do it. We are here to help each other, build each other up and make it back together where we are all supposed to be.
I was asked to teach Relief Society this Sunday.... and no, this isn't my lesson and I apologize if it sounded like one, but it was interesting for me to look at the lesson and find that it is on True Friendship. I just want to say that I love all my friends. I have so many good ones, ones that I see often, some that I hardly ever see and that doesn't matter because when we visit it as if we pick up right where we left off. Friends that I've recently reconnected with, old roommates, RS sisters, visiting teachers and some of my best friends are ones that I'm related to. I have great sisters, great sisters-in-law, great cousins-in-law, a great mother-in-law, people that I know I had a relationship with before I came to earth. To all of you, I'm grateful. Life does stink sometimes and sometimes it's not because of things that we do, sometimes it's because of what others do, but we can do it!! We're here to make it together and to love each other. Thanks for being my friend.
For me, the thing that helps me focus, the things that make it worth it is this........
Loved your post! Thank you for the inspiration. Sometimes it is reassuring just to know you aren't the only one having a hard time in this lesson of life. It was so wonderful to see you at the funeral, not the circumstances I would have chosen to see you at but a gift nonetheless. I hope you are enjoying every minute with Brodi. He is a true gift in many, many ways! What a sweetheart! You are inspiring. Thanks for making my day better!
What a great post Ashlee. Its so nice to get little surprises throughout your day like a spiritual post from someone, it lifts the spirit :) I hope everything works out, we all have trials, and I know you have the faith to make it through. I agree with you, on how much children can brighten a day, and make everything seem worth doing. I'm so glad you have your Brody to help you through your tough ones. (and by the way, since you said you were reading your scriptures this morning, I am pretty sure you've got the whole recipe for success down pat, its just waiting for everything to bake into a tasty dish thats the hard part!)
Beautifully put, so often we just want to give up and we know that is exactly when we can't. Sometimes we forget to count our blessings and it takes a little one to remind us. Loved seeing you and family, you guys are the best.
YOu truely are an inspiration. I have given up, and all it does it make it harder to get back where you want to be. It also adds other issues to fight with. Thank you for such a beautiful post, someday I want to be you when I grow up. lol Keep up the good work, you will be blessed.
I love ya girl! Thanks for sharing your heart. You lift me everytime I am around you via phone or the world-wide web. Heavenly Father truly smiled down when he allowed us to be reunited on earth to continue our friendship here.
Oh how I can relate to your feelings! Through my darkest time, three little girls kept me putting one foot in front of the other and brought many smiles to my face through the sadness. The good news is that all the pain and sacrifice make us stronger and more prepared for the good that eventually comes our way. It came for me and it will come for you too!!! Hang in there. I sure wish we lived closer to each other . . .Tell Brodi Tom will give him a ride any time!
What a privilege to read this. It pulls at my heart, yet it inspires me because of the hope and steadfastness underlying all the pain. We just have to keep clinging to all the things that really matter and have an eternal perspective. I'm proud of you and all you are doing.I send my love.
Thank you for that post. Today was one of those days where I just wanted to give up. It was a great reminder that we all have our different trials and none of us are exempt from that. It helped me to quit my pitty party and pull up my boot straps. I love you! Thank you for being my sister-in-law and friend!
I remember a certain time in my life when I was really struggling and you saying that God will never push you farther than you can go. I think he does but after that, he carries you if you let him.
I love you Ashlee, I miss you.
Thanks for your friendship.
Thanks for the reminder of how blessed we are. It made me wish I was close enough to throw my arms around you and give you a big hug! (and Brody too!) Love you!
What tender thoughts and thank you for posting them! Life can seem so overwhelming for all of us at times, but your thoughts remind me of what matters most. You're one of the strongest, most amazing women I know. I think the world of you! I love, love, love this quote and I thought you would too:)
There is in every true woman's heart a spark of heavenly fire,
which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity; but which
kindles up and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity.
-Washington Irving
I absolutely loved every bit of that post. WOW!
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